Greenville, SC
Electro Acupuncture MPS (microcurrent point stimulation) is a safe, fast, natural and non-invasive alternative to acupuncture or needling and works much like acupuncture. It can be applied for 5-10 minutes or longer as part of massage therapy treatments to accelerate healing. There is no added charge for MPS therapy. Many clients report pain relief with the first treatment.
Despite major advances in science and medicine, eliminating or even reducing chronic soft tissue pain has been an elusive task for western medicine. Significant stressors are everywhere and stress controls all aspects of healing and vitality. Prolonged stress has been shown to be a precursor in at least 80% of all diseases. Increased stress will lead to increased inflammation and cortisol in the body; resulting in impaired immunity, digestion, organ function and muscular and cognitive performance.
MPS Electro Acupuncture can provide safe significant stress management and pain relief, improving quality of life. It applies brief, low frequency DC microcurrent impulses to acupuncture points and trigger points, gently relaxing muscles, calming the nervous system, and releasing endorphins-the body’s natural pain killers. MPS is grounded on the principles of western neurology, structural alignment and acupuncture. Studies have shown MPS reduces cortisol levels and pain by up to 75% and influences dramatic positive cellular change in organs/tissue. MPS has also been shown to boost ATP production, the energy carrying molecule in cells that power healing.
The Biomedical Engineering Handbook states “DC current heals, AC current inhibits healing”. MPS produces low DC microcurrent that matches the electrical current of the body. The body is a continuous interconnected electric network and complete health corresponds to total electrical connections. Physical and emotional trauma impairs the body’s connections, which leads to the disease process. MPS Electro Acupuncture is designed to repair the electrical connections of the body and rebalance the nervous system in order to relieve pain.
Susan Stuhr BA, LMT
For skilled chiropractic services, call our team at (864) 990-4752.
Contact Information
Phone: (864) 990-4752
Address: 1 Creekview Court,
Greenville, SC 29615
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